The European Commission published new guidance on the application of EU competition rules in the car sector.
Ordinance 17/2012 regulating certain fiscal and budgetary measures was published in Official Gazette 611/2012
Published on the Lex Mundi website
Order 1118/2012 amending and supplementing the Accounting regulations approved by Order 3055/2009 was published in Official Gazette 603/2012
Published in “Getting the Deal Through – Copyright 2012”
Order 1,135/2012 amending Order 101/2008 for the approval of the template and content of the forms used for the declaration of taxes, duties and contributions subject to self – assessment or withholding regime was published in Official Gazette 582/2012
1. Statement of objections sent to Lundbeck and several generic competitors allegedly hindering generic entry
Law 148/2012 regarding the registration of the commercial operations through electronically means was published in Official Gazette 509/201
Decision 670/2012 amending and completing the Methodological Norms for the application of the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 481/2012
The European Court of Justice („ECJ”) has ruled on the joined cases Mahagében (C- 80/11) and Peter Dávid (C/142-11).