EU Council Decision no. 232 of 26 April 2012 was published in EU Official Journal on 01.05.2012.
Order 640/2012 approving the template and content of Form 307 “Declaration related to the amounts arising from the adjustment of value added tax” was published in the Official Gazette 316/2012.
Published in “Treasury Shares Guide – IBA Corporate and M&A Law Committee 2012”
The European Court of Justice („ECJ”) has ruled on the joined cases Balkan and Sea Properties ADSITS (C-621/10) and Provadinvest OOD (C-129/11).
Published in “Getting the Deal Through – Private Antitrust Litigation 2012”
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) represented a major Romanian bank before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg. The ECJ was notified pursuant to the request of Calarasi Ordinary Court in a case having as subject matter the counterclaim filed by the bank against a sanctioning minutes under GEO 50/2010 regarding consumer credits.
Luminita Dima, Partner and head of NNDKP’s Employment practice, participated in a public hearing before the European Parliament organized by the European Peoples’ Party Group (EPP) and held a speech on the changes in the labor legislation and the subsequent challenges in the East European countries – Romania, Czech Republic and Hungary.
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen organized this year’s first edition of the event series “HR topics over coffee”. After almost a year from the enforcement of the amendments to the Labor Code brought by Law 40/2011, NNDKP’s attorneys specializing in labor law explored together with clients the issues faced by employers as a result of the amendments and assessed various practical solutions.
Order 518/2012 amending several Minister of Finance Orders was published in the Official Gazette 264/2012
Published in “Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2012”