On 28 October 2020, NNDKP was at the Tax & Finance Forum 2020, organized by Business Mark. Lucian Barbu, Partner from NNDKP Tax Advisory Services, was invited as a speaker in the first day of the event.
22.10.2020 – Author: Radu Damaschin
On 15 October 2020, NNDKP and Ziarul Financiar organized the 4th edition of the Legal & Tax conference, which took place exclusively online. The central theme of the event revolved around the question “How is Romania managing the impact of the global pandemic on the local economy?”.
06.10.2020 – Ius Laboris published the latest edition of the Immigration and Mobility Update which shows the changes in global mobility and immigration from around the world over the past two months.
On 5 October 2020, Ciprian Paun, Co-head of NNDKP Cluj-Napoca office, was a speaker at the debate A direct tax tougher than excise duties: the pandemic, organized by the Society of Legal Sciences and the Bucharest Bar.
02.10.2020 – News regarding the latest amendments to the Labor Code on assistance by an external consultant specialized in labor law, during some essential phases of the employment relation