Law no. 19/2020 on granting days off to parents to watch over their children in case of temporary closing of educational establishments was published within the Official Gazette no. 209 dated March 14, 2020.
At this time, NNDKP ensures business continuity by implementing preventive measures imposed by the epidemiological context caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and necessary to support the efforts of the authorities and the whole community to limit its spread.
On 12 March 2020, Chambers and Partners published its 2020 edition of the European guide.
Author: Roxana Ionescu and Madalina Bucur
NNDKP announced today the 2020 class of promotions.
La data de 25 mai 2018, Consiliul pentru Afaceri Economice și Financiare (ECOFIN) a adoptat amendamentele la Directiva privind cooperarea administrativă în domeniul fiscal (denumită colocvial DAC 6) în ceea ce privește schimbul automat obligatoriu de informații în domeniul fiscal cu privire la tranzacțiile transfrontaliere care fac obiectul raportării.
NNDKP together with Reed MIDEM – organizers of MIPIM, Matei Borbely + Partners and CBRE, our partner of the 2020 event organized on 27 February 2020 a club-style high profile gathering in Bucharest at Hilton Garden Inn (Old Town).
Between 17-18 February 2020, NNDKP was at ZF Power Summit 2020, organized by Ziarul Financiar in Bucharest. The 9th edition of the summit focused on the energy transition and the concrete measures this transition could be achieved.