On Tuesday, 24 October, Anca Diaconu, Partner, Competition, State Aid and EU law practice, was a moderator at the National Conference on Competition Law, organized by Universul Juridic together with the Competition Council and with the support of the Romanian Competition Law Association (ARCON).

On Wednesday, 18 October, Marius Ezer, Partner in NNDKP`s Dispute Resolution practice, was a speaker at the debate „Can the new restructuring mechanisms, the restructuring agreement and the preventive agreement save the Romanian companies in difficulty?”, organized by Juridice.ro.

NNDKP will organize, between 1 – 15 November 2023, this year’s edition of Employment SpotON, a series of webinars covering topical labor law issues of interest to HR professionals, general managers, team leaders, legal advisors and general counsels.

Author: Madalina Vasile

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) was part of the international team of advisors that assisted Insight Enterprises, a Fortune 500 Solutions Integrator focused on driving client success through digital transformation, in acquiring Amdaris, a software development and digital services company based in the UK, with service delivery centres located in several Eastern European countries.

On October 16th, 2023, NNDKP and Ziarul Financiar organized the 8th edition of the annual Legal & Tax conference, centered around the theme End of the year under the impact of tax increases. What’s next in 2024? Trends in Romanian taxation.

The International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Conference 2023 took place in Paris, between 29 October – 3 November, at Le Palais des Congrés.

On September 30, NNDKP organized, together with Let`s Do It, Romania!, the largest social movement in Romania, a greening action at Straulesti Forest in Bucharest to contribute to a cleaner and safer environment for the community.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) was named Tax Disputes Firm of the Year in Romania at the 2023 edition of ITR EMEA Tax Awards organized by International Tax Review on September 27th at the Carlton Tower Jumeirah in London. The 18th edition of the awards acknowledges the innovative approach, performance, and key role played by the strongest tax, tax disputes and transfer pricing teams of experts across 34 jurisdictions throughout the region in developing the global advisory services market.

On Tuesday, 26 September, Miruna Vlad, Managing Associate in NNDKP`s Environment practice, participated as a speaker at the live online conference ”Circular Economy of Romania: from the Warranty-Return System to the reuse and recycling of electronics and industrial materials”, organized by Curs de Guvernare.

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