Adina Chilim-Dumitriu, Partner, will be attending the WSG European Meeting 2025, hosted by World Services Group (WSG) and Altius Tiberghien law firm in Brussels on 2-4 April 2025.
Between 2-4 April 2025, Anca Diaconu, Partner and Head of the Competition practice, will be attending the American Bar Association (ABA) 2025 Antitrust Spring Meeting in Washington DC.
On March 28, Alina Radu, Partner and Head of the Banking and Finance practice, will be a speaker at the 13th edition of the Banking Law Conference, organized in Timisoara by The National Bank of Romania – Timisoara Branch.
On April 1, Razvan Vlad, Partner in the Corporate/M&A practice, will attend the CEE Deals of the Year Awards Gala organized by CEE Legal Matters in Prague, at the Grandior Hotel Prague.
On March 31, Mihaela Ceausescu, Managing Associate in the Dispute Resolution practice, will be a speaker at the online debate Banking disputes and financial crises: lessons from the past, solutions for the future, organized by
On March 27, Adina Chilim-Dumitriu, Partner and Co-Head of the Public Procurement and PPP practice, was a speaker at the second edition of the Public Procurement Conference – Innovation and Transparency in Public Procurement, organized by Wolters Kluwer Romania and the Faculty of Law of Titu Maiorescu University.
On March 24, Mihaela Ceausescu, Managing Associate in the Dispute Resolution practice, was a speaker at the online debate ANPC Restructuring – Challenges, directions and impact on court cases, organized by
Ciprian Paun, Partner and Co-Head of NNDKP`s Cluj-Napoca office, was a speaker at the IFA European Region Conference 2025 organized by the International Fiscal Association (IFA), which took place in Budapest on 20-21 March.
On March 20, Iurie Cojocaru, Partner and Head of the Data Protection practice, was a speaker at the ConnectED: NIS2 in action – Cross-border perspectives & compliance challenges webinar, organized by Connect Communities by OneTrust.
On March 18, Sorina Olaru, Partner in the Dispute Resolution practice, was the guest of lawyer Violeta Saranciuc, at the The Arbitration Hour podcast.