„COVID-19 – Government Support Measures” – Global Information Resources
The economic environment is strongly impacted by the effects of COVID-19 at international level. Companies across the world are challenged to deal with disruptions across global markets and need to have a rapid understanding of the measures adopted by the national governments to ensure support for their activity during this period.
Lex Mundi, the world’s leading network of premier independent law firms, prepared, by the common effort of its members, a report providing a point of reference for the measures proposed and implemented by the authorities in 104 jurisdictions worldwide for combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
NNDKP has been an exclusive member of Lex Mundi in Romania since 1999. Its integrated legal & tax team prepared the chapter of the report for our country, thus facilitating the access of international and Romanian companies to global information resources supporting local decisions, and not only.
The report called “COVID-19 – Government Support Measures” is a condensed source of data structured in sections that provide information for each country, reviewing the main legal and fiscal measures adopted by the authorities in fields such as labor and employment, taxation, banking and finance, as well as in other fields, in the context in which companies are forced to continue their activity while faced with the consequences brought by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Lex Mundi Report is organized in an interactive format that offers the possibility to compile information for one or several jurisdictions in order to provide support to multinational and local companies, as the case may be, and is available here.
The content of the report, which draws on the local legal, fiscal and business experience of each member of Lex Mundi, is dynamically updated, as the governmental authorities issue and implement new measures intended to support the relevant companies.
As soon as the state of emergency was instated in Romania, NNDKP launched the COVID-19 Legal & Tax Resource Center, a dedicated platform available on the NNDKP website, where it is regularly published valuable knowledge and legal insights with respect to the implications of the coronavirus in various fields of activity in Romania. In addition to the information regarding the Romanian context, the center contains as well a section dedicated to the global resources available for companies, ensuring for them access to legal and fiscal information from jurisdictions from across the world.
The COVID-19 NNDKP Legal & Tax Resource Center may be accessed here.