Employment Flash No. 2/2022 – Latest news in the labor law field

06.04.2022 – Latest news in the labor law field regarding the unified public pension system and the value of a meal voucher 

The Law no. 76/04.04.2022 supplementing Article 106 of Law no. 263/2010 on the unified public pension system was published in the Official Gazette no. 333 of April 5, 2022.

As it was previously provided by law, the decision of the territorial pension office is communicated to the person who applied for retirement within 5 days of the date of issue.

According to the new legal provisions, within term mentioned above, the issuing territorial pension office shall also inform the employer of the decision on the retirement request of an employee (in case of reaching the retirement age, early retirement, partial early retirement or invalidity retirement) – previously, such a communication obligation was provided only in relation to the retirement applicants themselves.

The information to be communicated to the employers shall include the name and surname of the employee, the type of retirement decision and the date of its issue.


The Order no. 366/25.03.2022 for determining the indexed nominal value of a meal voucher for the first semester of 2022 was published in the Official Gazette no. 328 of April 4, 2022.

According to the new legal provisions, for the first semester of 2022, starting from April 2022, the nominal value of a meal ticket, established according to the special legal framework and methodological norms in this field, may not exceed the amount of RON 20.17 (approx. EUR 4).

The nominal value established according to the above shall also apply for the first 2 months of the second semester of 2022, i.e. August 2022 and September 2022.

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