COVID-19 Legal & Tax Resource Center – Weekly Update (23-27 March 2020)
Our COVID-19 – Legal & Tax Resource Center facilitates your access to valuable knowledge and legal insights on the implications of the coronavirus pandemic in various fields in Romania.
Here are this week’s updates:
- New sections on Pharma & Medical Services; Clinical Trials and Certificates for Emergency Situations are available on the Resources Center’s page: HERE.
- Our lawyers and consultants have authored a series of articles and other updates on COVID-19. Below a comprehensive list covering this past week:
- COVID-19: DOs and DON’Ts for companies – 5 tips in order not to breach Competition Law, following Competition Council recent announcements (available in Romanian language) – 27.03.2020
- Certificates for emergency situations – 26.03.2020
- Protection and operation mechanisms of listed companies during the State of Emergency (available in Romanian language) – 24.03.2020
- Summary of the provisions of Military Ordinance no. 2 /21 March 2020 – 23.03.2020
- Approval of force majeure during the State of Emergency (available in Romanian language) – 23.03.2020
Dispute Resolution
- Arbitration in the time of COVID-19. The Romanian Perspective – 27.03.2020
- Continuation of judicial activity in the context of COVID-19 – between mandatory and compromise (available in Romanian language) – 24.03.2020
- News on the issuance of emergency certificates necessary to access the state support for certain employers, in the context of the current pandemic crisis – 26.03.2020
- News on the new measures and amendments of some legal provisions, adopted in the context of the current crisis generated by COVID-19 – 23.03.2020
Video Briefings
- COVID-19 – Application of Competition Law – Ep. 1 – How can competitors cooperate in this period? (video format available in Romanian language) – 23.03.2020