COVID-19 Legal & Tax Resource Center – Weekly Update (30 March-3 April 2020)
Our COVID-19 – Legal & Tax Resource Center facilitates your access to valuable knowledge and legal insights on the implications of the coronavirus pandemic in various fields in Romania.
Here are this week’s updates:
- New sections on Banking and Finance and Global Resources are available on the Resources Center’s page: HERE.
- Our lawyers and consultants have authored a series of articles and other updates on COVID-19. Below a comprehensive list covering this past week:
Banking and Finance
- A new wave of insolvencies? – 31.03.2020
- Recent changes to the legislative framework relating to the emergency state – 01.04.2020
- SMEs – payment of utilities and rent during the State of Emergency (available in Romanian language) – 01.04.2020
Data Protection
Dispute Resolution
- News on the state support for technical unemployment and on the latest measures with impact for the employment domain – 31.03.2020
- Additional fiscal measures in the Covid-19 context – 31.03.2020
- COVID-19 – Prescription of tax debts (available in Romanian language) -30.03.2020
- COVID-19 pandemic – between force majeure, unforeseeable circumstances and unpredictability (available in Romanian language) – 01.04.2020
- Tightening restrictions on the movement of persons in the context of the adoption of Military Ordinances no. 5 and no. 6 published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 262 / 31.03.2020 (available in Romanian language) – 02.04.2020