The secondary public offer having as object the sale by M.E.C.M.A. through O.P.S.P.I. of a number of 10,995,472 shares, representing 15% of the total number of shares issued by C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica was successfully concluded, by the oversubscription of the shares offered for sale.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen has successfully represented a large local pharmaceutical services company in the investigation conducted by the Competition Council with respect to the decision of the members of ADMR and ADID (the Association of Distributors and Importers of Drugs) to suspend the deliveries of medicines to pharmacies and hospitals. The decision of the members of the two associations was determined by the fact that the Ministry of Health has not updated the exchange rates within the price structure for 18 months (given the depreciation by 18% of the RON compared to the EUR), counting on the social pressure upon the distributors.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen successfully represented a joint venture betwen two large German infrastructure providers before the Alba Court of Appeals, obtaining the dismissal of the complaint filed by another joint venture against the decision of the National Council for Solving Complaints (NCSC) that had dismissed the complaint of the same offeror.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen announced the promotion to equity partners of Simona Neagu, Sorina Olaru (Cretu), Ioana Niculeasa and Emil Bivolaru. The partnership structure now consists of twelve equity partners and four salaried partners.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen announced that three of the firm’s attorneys have been promoted to the position of Senior Associate: Mirela Gabriela Preda (Mergers and Acquisitions), Catalin Radbata (Dispute Resolution) and Lucian Vitelaru (Real Estate).

All news from December to January 2011

All news from December to January 2010

All news from December to January 2009

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