Authors: Dariana Istrate and Luciana Anghel
Legea privind protecția avertizorilor în interes public a fost adoptată ieri, 29 iunie 2022, de către Camera Deputaților, cu o serie de amendamente față de varianta aprobată de Senat in luna aprilie a acestui an. Versiunea finală a legii nu este încă disponibilă pentru analiză.
We are proud to announce that NNDKP has partnered with the international law firm Simmons & Simmons to provide comprehensive information on the renewable energy sector in Romania. The information can be accessed on Simmons & Simmons’ Clean Energy Tool, an online platform for reliable legal and regulatory data across renewable energy jurisdictions.
Authors: Roxana Ionescu and Iurie Cojocaru
With key offerings including a significant market (the second largest in CEE), EU-shaped legislation, NATO membership, and a well-educated work force in a hospitable and resource-rich and geographically privileged location at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Romania is a growing economy.
Authors: Roxana Abrasu and Daniel Stancescu
Alina Tace and Lucian Barbu, contributed to the Romanian Chapter of the “International Comparative Legal Guide to: Gambling Laws and Regulations 2022”.
This article was prepared for and first appeared in Which Lawyer in Romania 2021
This article was prepared for and first appeared in Which Lawyer in Romania 2021
This article was prepared for and first appeared in Which Lawyer in Romania 2021