Ioana Grigoriu, Managing Associate in NNDKP’s Real Estate practice, was one of the speakers at the XVIth edition of the Real Estate & Construction Forum organized by Business Mark. This year, some of the most important players in the industry were invited to share their views on the current situation and future challenges for the real estate market, for all four market segments: retail, industrial & logistics, office and residential.

The 12th edition of the ZF Power Summit took place between 21-23 February 2023.

Alina Timofti (Partner, Tax Advisory Services), Lucian Barbu (Partner, Tax Advisory Services) and Marius Ezer (Partner, Dispute Resolution) opened the series of events scheduled to take place in 2023 as part of NNDKP’s Center of Excellence in Legal Disputes (CELF) initiative.

Roxana Ionescu, Partner and Head of NNDKP’s Data Protection practice, contributed to the works of the “GDPR – Data Privacy Observer” conference with a presentation on how the interpretation of GDPR evolved in time and the impact this had in practice.

Sorina Olaru, Partner in NNDKP’s Dispute Resolution practice, attended the seventh edition of the conference “Arbitration in the private law area in a European context” organized by Universul Juridic.

NNDKP together with Enterprise Europe Network Center part of the Constanţa Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture organized on December 7, 2022 in the city of Constanta the seminar “Latest news in the field of labor law”.

Our colleague Catalina Dan, Associate in the Banking and Finance practice, was one of the speakers at the fourth edition of the National Banking Law Forum hosted by the University of Bucharest Law School on November 24th.

Roxana Ionescu, Partner and Co-head of NNDKP’s Data Protection practice, was a speaker at this year’s edition of ZF Digital Summit organized by Ziarul Financiar between 8-10 November 2022, which brought together the most important leaders in the telecommunications and high-tech industries in Romania.

Roxana Ionescu, Partner and Head of NNDKP’s Environment practice, was a speaker at the Conference “The Deposit-Return System, the new shopping reality. How do we prepare for the change?” organized by Ziarul Financiar on November 7, 2022.

Following the significant changes to the Labor Code, a number of legal issues became of high interest to HR management professionals. To help address some of the most important aspects that took center stage due to these changes and explore other highly relevant employment law topics that have sparked employers’ interest, NNDKP’s Employment law team organized a new edition of Employment SpotON, a webinar series part of the NNDKP Legal & Tax SPACE* initiative. Through this initiative, we propose to the Romanian business community events that combine technical aspects with practical elements.

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