On 12 March, Sorina Olaru, Partner in our Dispute Resolution practice, spoke at the Central & Eastern Europe Regional Conference of Dispute Resolution Board Foundation: “Dispute Boards: Two Versions, One Truth”.
On 11 March, Alexandru Aparaschivei, Partner at NNDKP Tax Advisory Services, spoke at the 15th edition of Tax EU Forum, organized by Evensys. This year’s edition focused on the legislative and tax changes and their impact on the Romanian business environment.
On 23 and 24 February 2021, Gabriela Cacerea and Ruxandra Bologa, Co-heads of NNDKP’s Energy and Natural Resources practice, spoke at the 10th edition of ZF Power Summit, organized by Ziarul Financiar. This year’s edition focused on the investments in the energy sector in the context of the energy transition.
On 10 December, Valentin Voinescu, Partner in our Banking and Finance practice, spoke at the Mirsanu Dealmakers Summit, organized by Mirsanu.ro.
On 13 November 2020, Ciprian Paun, Co-head of NNDKP Cluj-Napoca office, was a speaker at the National Conference on Fiscal Law, organized by Juridice.ro.
On 11 November 2020, Georgeta Dinu, Partner and Head of Competition, State Aid and EU Law practices, and Anca Pascu, Senior Associate in the same practice areas, were speakers at the 4th edition of the Competition in Public Procurement – Competition Risks and Practical Remedies Conference, organized by the Competition Council in partnership with AmCham Romania.
On 10 November 2020, Georgeta Dinu, Partner and Head of Competition, State Aid and EU Law practices, was a speaker at the Romanian Competition and Antitrust Forum, 2020 edition.
On 6 November 2020, Eva Forika, Head of NNDKP Timisoara office, and George Trandafir, Senior Associate in the Corporate/M&A practice, were speakers at the International Biennial Conference Timisoara, organized by the Faculty of Law of the West University of Timisoara.