Webstock 2013, one of the most important social media conferences in Romania, supported by NNDKP, was not only about social media trends, but also about intellectual property matters. At the event, Ana-Maria Baciu (Partner and head of IP) elaborated on one of her specialties, copyrights in online.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen, through its Brasov office, was the main partner at the eighth edition of the “Excellence in Business” gala organized by the Brasov Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This event, the most significant of its kind in the local business community, celebrated the achievements of companies in the country.

The three simultaneous workshops organized by Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen provided a forum for discussing some of the most current topics that impact the business environment: current issues related to the structuring and enforcement of loan agreements and securities, specific methods for closing the competition investigations without the application of or with the reduction of fines, as well as tax legislative news relevant for the 2012-2013 period.

NNDKP recognized the Romanian subsidiary of a large German manufacturer of components for the automotive industry for its contribution to the development of vocational education in Timis County, both at the conceptual and implementation levels of the theoretical and practical programs at King Ferdinand I Technical College of Timisoara.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen organized new editions of the event series “HR Topics over Coffee” in Bucharest and Cluj. The NNDKP lawyers specialized in labor law continued, together with clients, the debates initiated in March with respect to the amendments brought to the labor legislation in 2011; the issues the employers face as a result of such changes and the practical solutions identified and used in practice during this period.

NNDKP’s lawyers specialized in competition law held a round of debates regarding companies’ behavior during the Competition Council’s investigations, in a new session of the “Exclusively for Friends” workshop series.

Luminita Dima, Partner and head of NNDKP’s Employment practice, participated in a public hearing before the European Parliament organized by the European Peoples’ Party Group (EPP) and held a speech on the changes in the labor legislation and the subsequent challenges in the East European countries – Romania, Czech Republic and Hungary.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen organized this year’s first edition of the event series “HR topics over coffee”. After almost a year from the enforcement of the amendments to the Labor Code brought by Law 40/2011, NNDKP’s attorneys specializing in labor law explored together with clients the issues faced by employers as a result of the amendments and assessed various practical solutions.

The NNDKP competition lawyers have organized a new session of the series of discussions on competition matters “Exclusively for Friends”, having the topic “Competition Compliance Programs”.

All news from December to January 2011

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