Ciprian Paun, Partner and Co-head of our Cluj-Napoca office, and Daniel Hadar, Tax Director, Tax Advisory Services, were speakers at TaxEU Forum Cluj-Napoca, event organized by Evensys between February 28-29, 2024, at Radisson Blu Hotel.
Gabriela Cacerea, Partner and Co-head of NNDKP`s Energy and Natural Resources practice, was a speaker at the ZF Power Summit 2024, organized by Ziarul Financiar between 27-29 February 2024.
On January 25, Iurie Cojocaru, Partner and Head of the Data Protection Practice, was a speaker at the „GDPR – Data Privacy Observer 2024” conference.
On December 11, Ciprian Paun, Partner and Co-head of our Cluj-Napoca office, was a speaker at the online debate „The e-invoice. Explanations and implications for entrepreneurs”, organized by
On November 30, Ciprian Paun, Partner and Co-head of our Cluj-Napoca office, joined a ZF Live special edition where he discussed about the tax disputes that may be determined by the new tax changes, together with Razvan Botea, editor at Ziarul Financiar.
The CELF Community and NNDKP’s Center of Excellence in Tax Disputes (NNDKP CELF) held in November the sixth event part of the series of business gatherings scheduled for 2023, designed to provide a platform for relevant debates on topical tax matters.
On 9 November 2023, Sorina Olaru, Partner, Dispute Resolution practice, was a speaker at the online debate „Difficult civil law issues. Presumptions in private law”, organized by
On Monday, November 6, Iurie Cojocaru, Partner and Head of the Data Protection Practice joined the ZF Live special edition, where he discussed together with Cristian Hostiuc about the ANSPDCP practice – favorite topics, the fields in which they have been applied sanctions and recommendations of the authority.
On 8-9 November 2023, the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest, in collaboration with Universul Juridic Publishing Group, organized the 4th edition of the National Conference on Urban Law and Regional Planning.
On 1 November, Sorin Mociofan, Tax Director, NNDKP Tax Advisory Services, was a speaker at the CFO Conference, an event organized by Business Mark at Iulius Congress Hall, Timisoara.