It has been an absolute pleasure for NNDKP to host on June 9, 2023 the ArbitralWomen Networking Reception together with ArbitralWomen.

On Friday, June 9, 2023, Marius Ezer, Partner in our Dispute Resolution practice, was a speaker at the “Insolvency Market Trends” conference, organized by

Sorina Olaru, Partner in our Dispute Resolution Practice and a seasoned litigator, moderated the 7th panel discussion during Bucharest Arbitration Days (BARD 2023) – Investment Arbitration Perspectives: Cost and Time, Digitalization, Expedited Arbitration that took place on June 9th, starting 14:15 (Romania time).

The CELF Community and NNDKP’s Center of Excellence in Tax Disputes (NNDKP CELF) will hold in June the fourth event part of the series of business gatherings scheduled for 2023, designed to provide a platform for relevant debates on topical tax matters.

On Thursday, 25th May, Anca Diaconu, Partner, Competition, State Aid and EU law practice, was a speaker at the Competition in the current economic context – making markets work conference, organised by the Competition Council, at Pentagon Events – Romexpo.

On Tuesday, 23 May, Daniel Hadar, Tax Director, NNDKP Tax Advisory Services, was a speaker at the Pastila de Contabilitate online live event, organized by, together with SmartBill.

Between 23-24 May, 2023, the Transylvania Green Energy Forum took place in Cluj-Napoca, being the largest event dedicated to green energy in Transylvania.

Ioana Niculeasa, Head of NNDKP’s Real Estate practice, was a speaker at CEDER 2023 Conference – one of the largest real estate events in Romania, that took place on 18th of May at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bucharest.

NNDKP CELF event in Timisoara – Tax Disputes in The Digital Era

On 11-12 May 2023, the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest, in collaboration with Universul Juridic Publishing Group, organized the 3rd edition of the National Conference on Urban Law and Regional Planning. 

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