07.04.2020 – Authors: Emil Bivolaru & Miruna Preda

The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 41/02.04.2020 on the amendment and completion of Law no. 19/2020 on granting some days off to parents in order to supervise their children in case of temporary closing of educational establishments was published within the Official Gazette no. 282, dated 3 April, 2020.

Our COVID-19 – Legal & Tax Resource Center facilitates your access to valuable knowledge and legal insights on the implications of the coronavirus pandemic in various fields in Romania.

02.04.2020 – Authors: Gabriela Cacerea, Mirela Preda and Madalina Panca

The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 32/26.03.2020 on the amendment and completion of the GEO no. 30/2020, establishing some measures in the field of social protection in the context of the epidemic situation determined by the spreading of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and for the establishment of additional social protection measures was published within the Official Gazette no. 260, dated March 30, 2020.

Emergency Ordinance 33/2020 regarding certain fiscal measures and the amendment of certain normative acts was published in the Official Gazette 260/2020

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