Fiscal Updates

Law no. 275/2017 for the approval of Government Ordinance no. 23/2017 concerning the VAT split payment was published in Official Gazette no. 1036/2017



Order no. 3049/2017 for the approval of the model and content of the form for the Country by Country Report was published in the Official Gazette 894/2017

Order no. 3199/2017 for the approval of the Reimbursement  Procedure of taxes, customs duties and others levies and fees paid by the Government of the United State of America, its operating personnel, contractors and its personnel regarding the amounts provided by Art. X point 4 and Art. XI point 3 of the Agreement between the Romanian Government and the Government of the United States of America on Cooperation in the field of combating the proliferation of mass destruction weapons and promoting defense and military relations, ratified pursuant to Government Ordinance 3/1999, approved by Law 100/1999 was published in the Official Gazette 884/2017

Emergency Ordinance no. 79/2017 amending and completing Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code was published in the Official Gazette 885/2017

Order no. 2927/2017 regarding the procedure and conditions for approving the transfer of the amounts from the VAT account was published in the Official Gazette 813/2017

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