In the Official Gazette no.789/2017 were published the following:

Order n0. 2.856/2017 on setting criteria for evaluating fiscal risks in the case of registration for VAT purposes, for the approval of the Procedure regarding the evaluation of fiscal risk for taxable persons who request registration for value added tax purposes pursuant to art. 316 para. (1) letters a) and c) and para. (12) letter e) of Law 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code, for the approval of the Procedure for registration for value added tax purposes, upon request, pursuant to art. 316 para. (12) letters e) of Law 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code as well as for approval of the Annulment Procedure, ex officio, of registration for value added tax purposes of taxable persons who pose a high fiscal risk according to art. 316 para. (11) letter h) of Law 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code was published in the Official Gazette no.780/2017.

Ordinance no. 30/2017 for amending and completing Law no. 207/2017 regarding the Fiscal Procedure Code was published in the Official Gazette 708/2017

Ordinance no. 23/2017 regarding the VAT split payment mechanism was published in Official Gazette 706/2017

Ordinance no. 25/2017 for amending and completing Law no. 227/2017 regarding the Fiscal Code was published in the Official Gazette 706/31.08.2017

News regarding the .ro internet domains


Law no. 177/2017 regarding the approval of Emergency Ordinance no. 3/2017 for amending and completing Law no. 227/2017 regarding the Fiscal Code, was published in the Official Gazette 584/2017



Decision no. 284/2017 amending and completing the methodological norms for the application of Law no. 227/2017 regarding the Fiscal Code, approved by Decision no. 1/2016 was published in the Official Gazette 319/2017


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