Order no. 605/2017 establishing the criteria for the VAT registration, for the approval of the Procedure regarding the VAT registration as per art. 316 para. (12), let. e) of Law 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code, of the taxable persons, companies, having the seat of their economic activities in Romania, established as per Law no. 31/1990, subject to the registration within the trade registry and for the approval of the Procedure for the annulment, by default, of the VAT registration as per art. 316 para. (11), let. h) of Law 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code, of the taxable persons, companies, having the seat of their economic activities in Romania, established as per Law 31/1990, subject to the registration within the trade registry which do not justify the intention and capacity to perform economic activities involving transactions subject to VAT, was published in Official Gazette 93/2017.

Order no. 210/2017 regarding the amendment of Order 3.698/2015 for the approval of the fiscal registration forms of the taxpayers and types of fiscal obligations forming the fiscal vector and for the abolishment of Order no. 3841/2015 for the approval of the model and content of Form (088) “Statement on own responsibility for the evaluation of the intention and capability of performing economic activity involving transactions subject to VAT” was published in Official Gazette 40/2017


Order no. 2903/2016  regarding the classification within the computer programming activity was published in the Official Gazette 22/2017

Emergency Ordinance no. 3/2017 amending and completing Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code was published in the Official Gazette 16/2017

Fiscal amendments applicable from January 1st 2017

Among the main amendments of the Fiscal Code that entered into force on 1st of January 2017 we note the following:

Emergency Ordinance no. 84/2016 amending and completing certain normative acts in the fiscal-financial sector was published in the Official Gazette 977/2016.





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