Emergency Ordinance 12/2013 establishing certain financial and fiscal measures and extending certain deadlines was published in Official Gazette 127/2013

Decision 84/2013 amending and completing the Methodological Norms for the application of the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 136/2013

The European Court of Justice („ECJ”) has ruled on the case LVK – 56 EOOD(C-643/11)

Order 231/2013 approving the procedure and the conditions for the refund of excise duty and value added tax related to the products sold through duty-free shops was published in Official Gazette 104/2013

Decision of unconstitutionality

Order 140/2013 completing the Methodological Norms for the VAT exemption provided in art. 143 paragraph (1). j), j ^ 1), k), l) and m) of the Fiscal Code and Art. X and XI of the Agreement between Romania and the U.S. signed in Washington on October 30, 2001, ratified by Law 260/2002, approved by Order 2389/2011 was published in Official Gazette 90/2013


Decision 20/2013 amending and completing the Methodological Norms for the application of Title VII “Excise duties and other special duties” of the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 48/2013

Emergency Ordinance 8/2013 amending and completing the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 54/2013

Order 65/2013 amending Order 1081/2011 for the approval of the template and content of certain forms of informative statements was published in Official Gazette 56/2013

Order 40/2013 regarding the main aspects related to the preparation and submission of the annual financial statements and the annual accounting reports of the economic operators to the territorial units of the Ministry of Public Finances was published in Official Gazette 44/2013

New Amendments to the Public Procurement Legislation

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