On March 13, 2018, the European Council reached an agreement with respect to a proposal intended to increase transparency in order to combat aggressive fiscal arrangements at cross-border level.
The Center for Excellency in Fiscal Disputes (in Romanian NNDKP CELF) notes that on October 1, 2019, the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) admitted the objection of unconstitutionality of the provisions of Art. 213 para. (8) of Law 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code, in the form prior to the modification by Government Ordinance no. 30/2017 for amending and supplementing Law 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code, as well as of the same legal provisions as amended by Government Ordinance no. 30/2017.
Changes brought by the entry into force of the new Law 129/2019 on the prevention and sanctioning of money laundering and terrorism financing, as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts – A Corporate Law Perspective (details)
Changes brought by the entry into force of the new Law 129/2019 on the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorism financing, as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts
Government Decision no. 262/2019 on the approval of the Methodological norms for the application of the provisions of Law no. 202/2002 was published within the Official Gazette no. 333 dated May 2nd, 2019.
Government Emergency Ordinance no. 26/2019 on the amendment and completion of certain normative acts was published within the Official Gazette no. 309 dated April 19th, 2019.