Order no. 3604/2015 for the approval of the Instructions for the correction of the material errors in the VAT return was published in Official Gazette 926/2015
Law supplementing article 6 of Law no. 165/2013 with respect to the measures for finalizing the restitution in kind or compensation of the immovables abusively confiscated during the communist regime in Romania, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 473 / 30.06.2015
Emergency Ordinance 44/2015 regarding the granting of certain tax incentives was published in Official Gazette 785/2015
News on equality of chances and treatment between women and men
Cadastre and real estate publicity Law no. 7/1996 was republished in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 720 / 24.09.2015
Law 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 688/2015
Law 207/2015 approving the Fiscal Procedure Code was published in Official Gazette 547/2015
News on leaves and health insurance indemnities
1. Implementing norms to the new law regarding the simplification of public offerings, the processing of dividend payments and the exercise of shareholders’ rights during general meetings