2023 Retrospective. Important EU and National Environmental Developments
Government Emergency Ordinance no. 116/2023 on certain measures for the implementation of certain digitalization projects and Government Emergency Ordinance no. 115/2023 on certain budgetary measures to ensure Romania’s long-term financial sustainability were published in the Official Gazette no. 1138 and 1139 of 15 December 2023
4.07.2023 – Order 920/2023 regarding high-net worth individuals was published in the Official Gazette no. 585
30.06.2023 – CJEU ruled that toll manufacturing arrangements do not create VAT fixed establishments in the country of the service provider
29.05.2023 – Latest news in the labor law field
21.04.2023 – CJEU decided that the recharging of the electric vehicle is a supply of goods (electricity)
11.04.2023 – VAT exemption for transport directly connected with exportation
03.04.2023 – Latest news in the labor law field
It is no surprise that illicit commercial activities with goods that are counterfeit or otherwise infringing IP rights are a significant and growing threat in today’s economy, particularly with the increase of their online presence. All companies that create, develop and use intellectual property (IP), especially trademarks, in their business, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are exposed to IP rights infringement.