Order 93/2014 for the approval of the template and content of certain forms of informative statements was published in Official Gazette 76/2014
News on the work places under harmful conditions
Order 59/2014 amending Order 3/2010 for the approval of the Procedure for receiving VAT reimbursement requests for VAT paid by taxable persons established in Romania for the imports and acquisitions of goods/services performed in another Member State of the European Union was published in Official Gazette 68/2014
Order 24/2014 on the approval of the Norms regarding the establishment of the procedure and conditions for the authorisation of the VAT warehouse referred to in art. 144 paragraph (1) letter a) point 8, second indent of Law. 571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code, as amended and completed, and the establishment of the Commission for the authorisation of the VAT warehouses and their organisation and operation regulation was published in Official Gazette 47/2014
The European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) has ruled on case C-563/12 (BDV)
Order 3806/2013 for the amendment of annexes no. 1-3 of Order 3596/2011 regarding the reporting of deliveries/supplies and acquisitions performed on the national territory by VAT registered persons and for the approval of the model and content of the informative statement regarding the deliveries/supplies and acquisitions performed on the national territory by VAT registered persons (“394 informative statement”) was published in the Official Gazette 833/2013
Emergency Ordinance 111/2013 regarding the regulation of certain financial and fiscal measures and the amendment of certain normative acts was published in Official Gazette 809/2013
News on salaries
News on the activity of daily workers
Order 1898/2013 amending and completing the Accounting Regulations compliant with the European directives approved by Order 3055/2009 was published in Official Gazette 727/2013
Emergency Ordinance 102/2013 regarding the amendment of the Fiscal Code and the regulation of certain financial and fiscal measures was published in the Official Gazette 703/2013
News on employers’ obligation to notify occupied vacant positions