The European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) has ruled on the joined cases C-249/12 (Tulica) and C-250/12 (Plavosin)
The European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) has ruled on the case C-431/12 (Steaua Română)
Emergency Ordinance 88/2013 regarding certain fiscal and budgetary measures for complying with the commitments before international institutions and amending and completing certain normative acts was published in the Official Gazette 593/2013.
Order 2986/2013 for the amendment of point 1 of annex no. 2 of Order 3596/2011 regarding the reporting of deliveries/supplies and acquisitions performed on the national territory by VAT registered persons and for the approval of the model and content of the informative statement regarding the deliveries/supplies and acquisitions performed on the national territory by VAT registered persons (“394 informative statement”) was published in the Official Gazette 582/2013
Government Ordinance 28/2013 establishing certain fiscal measures was published in the Official Gazette 553/2013
Government Decision no. 613/2013 amending and completing the Methodological Norms for the application of the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette no. 528/2013
Ordinance 16/2013 amending and completing the Fiscal Code and establishing certain financial-fiscal measures was published in Official Gazette 490/2013
Order 877/2013 for the approval of the Registration procedure applicable to non-resident entities having one or several permanent establishments in Romania and the template and the content of Form 013 “Tax Registration statement/ Supplementary statement for non-resident entities having one or several permanent establishments in Romania” was published in Official Gazette 439/2013
New Amendments to the Public Procurement Legislation
Emergency Ordinance 50/2013 establishing certain fiscal measures was published in Official Gazette 320/2013
New Amendments To The Public Procurement Legislation