Decision 20/2013 amending and completing the Methodological Norms for the application of Title VII “Excise duties and other special duties” of the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 48/2013
Emergency Ordinance 8/2013 amending and completing the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 54/2013
Order 65/2013 amending Order 1081/2011 for the approval of the template and content of certain forms of informative statements was published in Official Gazette 56/2013
Order 40/2013 regarding the main aspects related to the preparation and submission of the annual financial statements and the annual accounting reports of the economic operators to the territorial units of the Ministry of Public Finances was published in Official Gazette 44/2013
New Amendments to the Public Procurement Legislation
After having admitted as defenses legitimate petitioning activities in two investigations finalized in 2012, the Competition Council announced that it has adopted its first best practice recommendations under Competition Law.
The European Court of Justice („ECJ”) has ruled on the case BGŻ Leasing sp. Z o.o.(C-224/11)
Order 17/2013 approving the Procedure for the registration of the agreements regarding the declaration and payment of social security contributions, concluded by non-resident employers with resident or non-resident individuals who perform their activity in Romania and derive salary income, as well as for the establishment of certain procedural aspects was published in Official Gazette 36/2013
Order 1994/2012 approving the template and content of form 012 “Notification regarding the amendment of the annual/quarterly system for declaring and paying corporate income tax” was published in Official Gazette 9/2013
Order 1950/2012 approving the template and content of the fiscal forms used for the declaration of taxes and duties subject to self-assessment or withholding regime was published in Official Gazette 887/2012
Order 1708/2012 amending and completing several Minister of Finance Orders was published in Official Gazette 852/2012