Order 418/2012 approving the model and content of the Form (311) “Statement regarding the Value added tax due by taxable persons whose VAT registration code was canceled in accordance with art. 153, para. (9), let. a)-e) of the Fiscal Code” was published in Official Gazette 199/2012

Government Emergency Ordinance 2/2012 amending and supplementing the Company Law 31/1990 was published in Official Gazette 143/2012

Order 247/2012 regarding the procedure for the application of article 52 of the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 129/2012

Government Decision 50/2012 amending and completing the Methodological Norms for the application of the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 78/2012

Government Ordinance 2/2012 amending and completing the Fiscal Procedure Code was published in Official Gazette 71/2012

Order 3596/2011 for the approval of the model and content of Form 394 „ Informative statement regarding the Delivery / Supply and Purchases made on the national territory” was published in the Official Gazette 927/2011

Acts Issued by the Romanian Parliament

I. Legislative News in Domestic Law

News on the general registry of employees

Emergency Ordinance 125/2011 amending and completing the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 938/2011

Regulation Issued by the National Bank of Romania (NBR)

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