Order 247/2012 regarding the procedure for the application of article 52 of the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 129/2012
Government Decision 50/2012 amending and completing the Methodological Norms for the application of the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 78/2012
Government Ordinance 2/2012 amending and completing the Fiscal Procedure Code was published in Official Gazette 71/2012
Order 3596/2011 for the approval of the model and content of Form 394 „ Informative statement regarding the Delivery / Supply and Purchases made on the national territory” was published in the Official Gazette 927/2011
Acts Issued by the Romanian Parliament
I. Legislative News in Domestic Law
Legislative News
News on the general registry of employees
Emergency Ordinance 125/2011 amending and completing the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 938/2011
Regulation Issued by the National Bank of Romania (NBR)
Regulations Issued by the National Authority for Consumers’ Protection (NACP)
I. Internal Law Legislative News