20.01.2022 – Latest news in the labor law field regarding the re-activation of the state support for technical unemployment, in the current pandemic context

21.12.2021 – Latest news in the labor law field regarding the amendments to a series of aspects in the employment field including payment of minimum gross base salary and granting value tickets

20.12.2021 – Emergency Ordinance no. 130/2021 regarding certain fiscal measures, extension of terms, as well as for amending and completing normative acts was published in Official Gazette no. 1202

15.12.2021 – Latest news in the labor law field regarding the amendments to the sanctions provided by the Law no. 55/2020 on certain measures of prevention and combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

24.11.2021 – For the application of Emergency Ordinance no. 120/2021 regarding the administration, functioning and implementation of the national system regarding the electronic invoice in Romania, a series of normative acts have been published, as follows:

27.10.2021 – Regarding the amendments to the Government Decision on extending the state of alert within Romanian territory and the obligation to wear a protective mask and perform the epidemiological triage.

07.10.2021 – Regarding the amendments to the Labor Code, minimum salary, nursery vouchers and meal vouchers and various types of state support measures.

14.09.2021 – By GEO 11/2021, it was enacted the use of the standard audit file for tax (D406 Informative Declaration), which will contain accounting data automatically extracted from the taxpayers’ accounting systems that is relevant for tax audits. Thus, an international standard direct reporting system is established, through which the taxpayers will submit tax reports, VAT reports to the fiscal authorities.

01.09.2021 – Ordinance no. 8/2021 regarding the amendment and completion of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code and Ordinance no. 11/2021 regarding the amendment and completion of Law no. 207/2015 regarding the Fiscal Procedure Code were published in Official Gazette no. 832

27.07.2021 – The Law no. 221/26.07.2021 for the completion of Law no.55/2020 regarding some measures for preventing and combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic was published within the Official Gazette no. 732 dated July 26, 2021.

22.07.2021 – The Law no. 208/21.07.2021 for approval of GEO no. 36/2021 on the use of advanced electronic signatures or qualified electronic signatures, accompanied by the electronic time stamp or qualified electronic time stamp and qualified electronic seal of the employer in the field of labor relations, and for amending and supplementing some normative acts was published within the Official Gazette no. 720 dated July 22nd, 2021.

13.07.2021 – The Order of Health Ministry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs no. 1204/99/09.07.2021 completing the Order no. 874/81/2020 instating of the obligation to wear a protective mask, that of epidemiological triage and mandatory hand disinfection to prevent contamination with SARS-CoV-2 virus during the state of alert was published within the Official Gazette no. 683 dated July 9th, 2021.

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