NNDKP CELF has successfully represented its client, a non-resident company, before the national court in which it has made a request for a preliminary ruling to the CJEU concerning the interpretation of the EU VAT Directive and Regulation as regards the existence of a VAT fixed establishment. The dispute with the Romanian National Agency for Tax Administration (in Romanian: Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală or, in short, ANAF) occurred in connection with the provision of toll manufacturing services (or “lohn” contracts as they are commonly known in Romania).

01.04.2021 – Emergency Ordinance no. 19/2021 regarding certain fiscal measures, as well as for amending and completing normative acts within fiscal field was published in Official Gazette no. 315

10.03.2021 – Emergency Ordinance no. 13/2021 amending and supplementing Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code and the Accounting Law no. 82/1991 was published in Official Gazette 197/2021

14.01.2021 – Emergency Ordinance no.226/2020 regarding certain fiscal-budgetary measures and amending and supplementing certain normative acts and extending certain deadlines was published in Official Gazette 1332/2020

27.11.2020 – Two draft laws amending the Fiscal Code and the Fiscal Procedure Code were adopted by the Chamber of Deputies

16.11.2020 – Law no.248/ for the amendment of art. 291 of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code was published in Official Gazette 1079/2020

05.11.2020 – We remind you that the deadlines for the reporting of cross-border arrangements under Directive DAC 6 are closing in

27.10.2020 –Emergency Ordinance no.181/2020 regarding certain fiscal-budgetary measures and for the amendment and completion of some normative acts as well as for the extension of certain deadlines was published in Official Gazette 988/2020

23.10.2020 – Decision no. 864/2020 amending and supplementing the Methodological Norms for the application of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code, approved by Government Decision no. 1/2016 was published in Official Gazette 956/2020

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