Acest articol a fost pregătit pentru și a fost publicat pentru prima dată în suplimentul-ediție specială din luna septembrie 2021 Bancherii al revistei Piata Financiara, o publicație lunară editată de FinMedia SRL.
IFLR1000 has released the final groups of rankings that represent IFLR1000’s 31st edition. The results of the research conducted into the Romanian legal market confirm once again NNDKP’s position as a leading law firm in Romania.
NNDKP received the award „Best Firm of the Year” during the 11th edition of the Romanian Top Lawyers Awards Gala, which recognizes lawyers active in various business law areas for their professional achievements throughout 2020, event organized by Finmedia and Piata Financiara.
Alina Radu, Partner and Head of NNDKP’s Banking and Finance practice, was a speaker at the 10th edition of ZF Bankers Summit, an emblematic event for the banking and finance sector in Romania.
Alina Radu a fost inclusă în topul Femei care schimbă România 2021, alcătuit de revista Piața Financiară.
The draft law is currently available here.
On May 24, 2017, WJ Global Group organized The Debt & Restructuring CEE and SEE Forum in Bucharest, Romania. NNDKP was partner at the event, together with TMA Romania (Turnaround Management Association).
Legal Magazin honored during the Lady Lawyer Awards 2016 gala lawyers “who are successful and respected in this profession, in order to recognize outstanding careers as well as to show that women are a real force in the legal profession.” The third edition of the gala took place on December 7, 2016 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (Chandelier Ballroom).
Between 6th to 7th of October 2016, Alina Radu, Partner and Head of the Banking and Finance practice and Diana Ispas, Managing Associate and coordinator of the Capital Markets practice attended the “CEE Finance and Capital Markets Workshops” organized by Freshfields Brukhaus Deringer in Vienna.
Published in SEE Legal’s Southeast Europe Taking & Enforcing Security Handbook 2015