On October 22, 2021, the Faculty of Law of the West University of Timisoara, in collaboration with the National Bank of Romania, organized the 25th edition of the Banking Law Conference (in Romanian „Conferința de Drept Bancar”). The event is part of the prestigious Legal Colloquia of the National Bank of Romania.

Acest articol a fost pregătit pentru și a fost publicat pentru prima dată în suplimentul-ediție specială din luna septembrie 2021 Bancherii al revistei Piata Financiara, o publicație lunară editată de FinMedia SRL.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) successfully assisted a syndicate of banks consisting of Banca Comercială Română (as mandated lead arranger, bookrunner, documentation agent, facility agent, security agent and lender), CEC Bank (as mandated lead arranger and lender), Raiffeisen Bank (as mandated lead arranger and lender), Banca Transilvania and Banca Românească (as lenders), in connection with a new financing of lei 278 million (approximately EUR 56,3 million) granted to Rodbun Group, one of the leading agro-business companies in Romania.

During the first part of 2021, AAylex Group, one of the leading Romanian players in the food industry, finalized the acquisition of Banvit, the local subsidiary of the Brazilian giant, BRF, through a transaction that represented a premiere on the domestic market. The project prompted yet another premiere for the Romanian business environment, with the acquisition being financed by CEC Bank and EximBank.

Alina Radu, Partner and Head of NNDKP’s Banking and Finance practice, was a speaker at the 10th edition of ZF Bankers Summit, an emblematic event for the banking and finance sector in Romania.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) assisted Getin Holding Group, as part of an international team of advisors, on the Romanian law aspects related to the sale of the shares held in Idea :: Bank, Idea :: Leasing, Idea :: Insurance Broker and Idea :: Investment to Banca Transilvania, in a EUR 43 million transaction.

On 27 April, Valentin Voinescu, Partner in our Banking and Finance practice, was a speaker at the “2021 East European Conference”, organized by TMA Europe.

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NNDKP advised a joint venture between Allianz Real Estate, the dedicated real estate investment manager within the Allianz Group, and VGP, a leading pan-European developer, manager and owner of high-quality logistics and semi-industrial real estate, in connection, with a EUR 34 million facility agreement granted by Raiffeisen Bank International AG and Raiffeisen Bank SA for the refinancing of an industrial project, including four prime logistic buildings in Timis, Romania.

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