Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) has been shortlisted for the Managing IP EMEA Awards 2025 by Managing IP.

Authors: Dariana Istrate

Our colleagues, Florina Firaru, Managing Associate and Head of our Intellectual Property practice, Dariana Istrate, Senior Associate (Intellectual Property practice) and Razvan Banta, Associate in the Dispute Resolution practice, attended the conference “Unfair Competition and the Protection of Distinctive Signs”, organized under the auspices of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Issues (WGIPPI), in collaboration with the ICCJ Public Prosecutor’s Office, the US Department of Justice – International Computer Hacking & Intellectual Property Program (ICHIP) and the Scientific Association of Intellectual Property Law (ASDPI).

Sorina Olaru, Partner in the Dispute Resolution practice, Florina Firaru, Managing Associate, and Dariana Istrate, Senior Associate, in our Intellectual Property practice, attended the symposium “Navigating the Universe of Intellectual Property in the Digital Age – Counterfeiting and Piracy – Realities and Challenges”, organized in Poiana Brasov by the National Chamber of Industrial Property Advisors of Romania.

Author: Dariana Istrate

Authors: Dariana Istrate

It is no surprise that illicit commercial activities with goods that are counterfeit or otherwise infringing IP rights are a significant and growing threat in today’s economy, particularly with the increase of their online presence. All companies that create, develop and use intellectual property (IP), especially trademarks, in their business, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are exposed to IP rights infringement.

The long – awaited publication of the amendments to the Government Decision No. 1134/2010 on the approval of the Implementing Regulations of Law 84/1998 on Trademarks and Geographical Indications, republished, (the “Trademarks Regulation”) brought by the Government Decision no. 1197/2022, took place on 7 October 2022, when the amendments also entered into force.

Authors: Florina Firaru, Dariana Istrate, Luciana Anghel

Authors: Dariana Istrate and Luciana Anghel

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