Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) has been shortlisted for the Managing IP EMEA Awards 2025 by Managing IP.

On February 3, Sorina Olaru, Partner in our Dispute Resolution practice, was a speaker at the online debate „The pathological arbitration clause. The childhood disease of the arbitration procedure”, organized by

Our colleagues, Florina Firaru, Managing Associate and Head of our Intellectual Property practice, Dariana Istrate, Senior Associate (Intellectual Property practice) and Razvan Banta, Associate in the Dispute Resolution practice, attended the conference “Unfair Competition and the Protection of Distinctive Signs”, organized under the auspices of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Issues (WGIPPI), in collaboration with the ICCJ Public Prosecutor’s Office, the US Department of Justice – International Computer Hacking & Intellectual Property Program (ICHIP) and the Scientific Association of Intellectual Property Law (ASDPI).

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen has secured a final favorable decision for an important manufacturer of components for automotive safety systems, in a customs dispute. The final decision issued by the Timisoara Court of Appeal confirms the company’s right to recover the customs duties paid based on incorrect customs declarations, marking a significant benchmark in the legal field.

The NNDKP Center of Excellence in Fiscal Disputes (NNDKP CELF) has successfully represented a client in maintaining the recognition, through a final court decision, of the right to deduct VAT on expenses incurred for investments necessary to start or continue certain real estate projects that were ultimately not completed.

Rareș Rusu

On June 13, NNDKP hosted for clients the event European Union Law in the conception and practice of authorities and courts. Tools, approaches, challenges and trends.

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