07.04.2021 – The Ministerial Order no. 214/22.02.2021 for approving the template documents provided by art. 53¹ para. (12) of the Labor Code was published within the Official Gazette no. 350 dated April 6th, 2021.
06.04.2021 – The Law no. 58/02.04.2021 for approving the GEO no. 211/2020 and amendment of GEO 132/2020 was published in the Official Gazette no. 345 dated April 5th, 2021
14.01.2020 – News on the minimum salary, prolongation of the state of alert and procedure for accessing some measures of state support
04.01.2020 – The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 220/30.12.2020 on 2020 on the application of social protection measures after January 1, 2021 in the context of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, as well as for the amendment of some normative acts was published within the Official Gazette no. 1326 dated December 31, 2020.
10.12.2020 – The Law no. 282/08.12.2020 on approval of the GEO no. 132/2020 on support measures for employees and employers in the context of the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, as well as for stimulating employment growth was published within the Official Gazette no. 1201 dated December 9, 2020.
08.12.2020 – The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 211/04.12.2020 on extending the application of some social protection measures adopted in the context of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, as well as on amendment of the GEO no. 132/2020 on state support measures for employees and employers in the context of the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of SARS CoV-2 coronavirus and for stimulating employment was published within the Official Gazette no. 1189 dated December 7, 2020.
10.11.2020 – The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 192/05.11.2020 on amending and completing the Law no. 55/2020 regarding some measures for the prevention and combating the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as on amending letter a) an art. 7 of Law no. 81/2018 regarding the teleworking activity has been published within the Official Gazette no. 1042 dated November 6, 2020.
02.10.2020 – News regarding the latest amendments to the Labor Code on assistance by an external consultant specialized in labor law, during some essential phases of the employment relation
14.09.2020 – News regarding the template documents and the corresponding procedure for accessing the state support for teleworking activity, as well as for the settlement from the state budget of the sums corresponding to paid days off granted to parents
01.09.2020 – Amendment of the measures applicable in the current state of alert, the procedure for settlement and payment of the state support sums under GEO no. 132/2020 and paid days off for parents