Emergency Ordinance no. 107/ 2020 regarding the amendment of art. II of Ordinance no. 5/2020 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code and for the extension of certain deadlines was published in  the Official Gazette 579/2020

Emergency Ordinance no. 99/ 2020  regarding certain fiscal measures, amending some normative acts and extending some deadlines was published in  the Official Gazette 551/2020

Emergency Ordinance no. 90/ 2020 amending Government Ordinance no. 6/2019 regarding the establishment of fiscal facilities, as well as for the other normative acts was published in  the Official Gazette 459/2020

Law 62/2020 on the application of rent payment facilities for the emergency period was published in the Official Gazette 425/2020

Emergency Ordinance no. 69/2020 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code as well as for the establishment of certain fiscal facilities was published in  the Official Gazette 393/2020

Emergency Ordinance 53/2020 regarding the modification and completion of normative acts regarding social protection measures determined by the spread of coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 was published in  the Official Gazette 325/2020

Emergency Ordinance 48/2020 regarding certain fiscal measures was published in the Official Gazette 319/2020

Emergency Ordinance 33/2020 regarding certain fiscal measures and the amendment of certain normative acts was published in the Official Gazette 260/2020

Emergency Ordinance 29/2020 regarding certain fiscal-budgetary measures was published in  the Official Gazette 230/2020 

Ordinance 6/2020 for amending and supplementing Law 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code, as well as for the regulation of certain fiscal-budgetary measures, was published in the Official Gazette 72/2020

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