On March 18, Sorina Olaru, Partner in the Dispute Resolution practice, was the guest of lawyer Violeta Saranciuc, at the The Arbitration Hour podcast.
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) has been shortlisted for the Managing IP EMEA Awards 2025 by Managing IP.
NNDKP has been recognized as a top firm in the 2025 edition of WTR 1000 – the World’s Leading Trademark Professionals, in both areas researched by the guide: enforcement & litigation (Silver rank) and prosecution & strategy (Gold rank).
On February 3, Sorina Olaru, Partner in our Dispute Resolution practice, was a speaker at the online debate „The pathological arbitration clause. The childhood disease of the arbitration procedure”, organized by Juridice.ro.
Sorina Olaru, Partner in the Dispute Resolution practice, Florina Firaru, Managing Associate, and Dariana Istrate, Senior Associate, in our Intellectual Property practice, attended the symposium “Navigating the Universe of Intellectual Property in the Digital Age – Counterfeiting and Piracy – Realities and Challenges”, organized in Poiana Brasov by the National Chamber of Industrial Property Advisors of Romania.
Sorina Olaru and Florina Firaru have been recognized as global leaders in the IAM Global Leaders list for 2025, alongside world`s top private practice experts in the patent field.
NNDKP has been recognized as a top firm in the 2024 edition of IAM Patent 1000 guide, in both areas researched by the guide:
Sorina Olaru, Partner in the Dispute Resolution practice, was a speaker at the online debate on practical challenges of admissibility and evidence in arbitration, organized by Juridice.ro on June 17.
On June 7, 2024, NNDKP hosted an Arbitration Networking Reception on the last day of the Bucharest Arbitration Days 2024.
On May 23, NNDKP was present at the JURIDICE.ro Gala, an event that celebrated 20 years of activity for JURIDICE.ro.