On October 16th, 2023, NNDKP and Ziarul Financiar organized the 8th edition of the annual Legal & Tax conference, centered around the theme End of the year under the impact of tax increases. What’s next in 2024? Trends in Romanian taxation.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) was named Tax Disputes Firm of the Year in Romania at the 2023 edition of ITR EMEA Tax Awards organized by International Tax Review on September 27th at the Carlton Tower Jumeirah in London. The 18th edition of the awards acknowledges the innovative approach, performance, and key role played by the strongest tax, tax disputes and transfer pricing teams of experts across 34 jurisdictions throughout the region in developing the global advisory services market.

NNDKP has been shortlisted for the ITR EMEA Tax Awards 2023 by ITR (International Tax Review), in two award categories:

28.07.2023 – The Council of the EU has adopted Decision 2023/1553 authorizing Romania to make the use of RO e-Factura mandatory

29.06.2023 – The Proposal for a Decision authorizing Romania to make the use of RO e-Factura mandatory was submitted to the Council of the EU by the European Commission

On Wednesday, 21 June, Ziarul Financiar organized the conference “ZF Biggest Players in the Economy 2023: How do we distribute the economic development at regional level?”, an event that gathered in one place representatives of the largest companies in the local economy from various fields of activity, as well as financial institutions and authorities.

On Tuesday, 23 May, Daniel Hadar, Tax Director, NNDKP Tax Advisory Services, was a speaker at the Pastila de Contabilitate online live event, organized by Contzilla.ro, together with SmartBill.

On April 12, 2023, The Legal 500 has launched the 2023 edition of its EMEA rankings. The results of the research conducted among law firms active in Europe reconfirm NNDKP’s position as a leading business law firm in Romania.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) has assisted, since June 2020, the Beverage Producers Alliance comprised of the Brewers of Romania Association and the Romanian Soft Drinks Association in setting up a deposit return system (DRS) for single-use primary packaging. The assistance also included establishing and obtaining the accreditation of RetuRO SGR as sole administrator of the Romanian system.

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