Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen has secured a final favorable decision for an important manufacturer of components for automotive safety systems, in a customs dispute. The final decision issued by the Timisoara Court of Appeal confirms the company’s right to recover the customs duties paid based on incorrect customs declarations, marking a significant benchmark in the legal field.
In 2024 we celebrated a remarkable milestone – 20 years since the opening of the Timișoara office. NNDKP laid the foundation stone and started developing the Timișoara office in 2004. Twenty incredibly beautiful years of work followed, during which the office flourished and became the landmark and partner it is today.
Andreea Marton
Alexandra Bob
Daniel Hadăr
Sorin Mociofan
Paula Corozel
Ion Loga
Ioana Cristea
Delia Baroianu