George Trandafir

Managing Associate
+40 21 201 1200

Practice areas


  • mergers and acquisitions
  • complex corporate governance matters (including with regard to state-owned companies and shareholders’ disputes)
  • public procurement and PPP/concessions (pre-tendering litigation, tendering, post-contracting matters – including annulment of public procurement contracts, negotiating PPP/concession contracts – including the implementation framework)
  • restructuring of public services and public services companies
  • commercial contracts

Representative Cases and Transactions

Mergers and Acquisitions

  • assistance to a large Asia-Pacific based trade house investor throughout the acquisition of a 90% stake in a leading Romanian group specialized in the production and distribution of pesticides and fertilizers (due diligence, signing and closing of the transaction)
  • advice to a Swiss-based company with business on the out-of-home advertising market  during their successful entrance on the Romanian market through the acquisition of a Romanian leading out-of-home advertising group of companies; due diligence on the target companies (including title to outdoor advertising infrastructure of the Romanian companies), drafting transaction documents and negotiations
  • assistance to a Romanian entrepreneur in the acquisition of a medical care services business
  • assistance to a Romanian local authority in connection with the intended take-over of the Romanian State’s shares in the local public district heating company (a State wholly-owned company), in a process started in 2013 by the Romanian Government with a view to restructure the district heating public service in two major Romanian cities.
  • assistance to a State-owned entity, with activities in the district heating public service within the context of their restructuring

Selected credentials listed above also include work prior to joining NNDKP.

Public Procurement and PPP

  • assistance to a Romanian public authority during a public tender for the acquisition of Big Data analytics infrastructure
  • assistance to a Greek-based consultancy company in connection with disputes (including the selection of the Romanian courts versus ad-hoc arbitration) resulting from a services contract concluded with the Romanian Ministry of Labour and funded by the Government of Japan; the client has provided consultancy services in connection with the reformation of the Romanian institutional and the legislative framework on the benefits to people with disabilities
  • assistance to a Greek-based consultancy company in connection with the annulment of a public procurement services contract (already performed) and regarding the claims made by the Romanian contracting authority for repayment by the client of the contract proceeds
  • assistance on public procurement-related matters to a Romanian public authority  during the process of disbursement of the European Union funding to public and/or private beneficiaries
  • assistance to various clients (mostly European companies) in tendering for public procurement contracts in Romania (e.g. construction of water and sewage plants, delivery of turnkey projects in the medical care field, etc.)

Selected credentials listed above also include work prior to joining NNDKP.


  • University of Bucharest Law School, Law Degree
  • Collège Juridique Franco-Roumain d’Etudes Européennes, Law Degree
  • University of Bucharest Law School, Master Degree in Business Law

Memberships and Affiliations

  • Bucharest Bar

Notable Contributions

  • contributor to NNDKP – Act for Ethics Hub
  • speaker at the webinar “The whistleblowers act has ben adopted. Priorities for 2023”, organized by NNDKP (2023)
  • speaker at the “Integrity (of the whistleblower) beats privacy” event, organized by (2023)
  • speaker at the “Who will blow the whistle now? (Bill of law on whistleblowers’ protection)” debate, organized by (2022)
  • speaker at the webinar “Whistleblower: compliance, implementation, impact”, organized by (2021)
  • speaker at the “Whistleblower. Honesty feedback loop” debate, organized by (2021)
  • speaker at the webinar “Decoding and systematizing the obligations of employers: Essential Legal and Tech requirements to ensure compliance with the Whistleblowing Legislation”, organized by NNDKP (2021)
  • Key takeaways on the Romanian whistleblowers proposal law” (2021) (co-author)
  • Romanian Approach to the Whistleblowers’ Directive” (2021)
  • speaker at the “International Biennial Conference Timisoara”, organized by the Faculty of Law of the West University of Timisoara (2020)
  • author of “Dreptul subcontractanților de a fi plătiți direct de către autoritatea contractantă” (Eng. “The subcontractors’ right to direct payment from the contracting authority”) ((probably) first paper in Romania on the topic of the direct payment to subcontractors in public procurement contract frameworks) (, 2018)
  • speaker at Business Focus on topics dedicated to supporting mostly young entrepreneurs (Iasi, Sibiu, and Constanta, 2018)